Travel Destination: Bourbon Trail, Kentucky

Looking for a fun way to start your next RVing adventure with your loved one? Head to Kentucky and take the Bourbon Trail. This adult-friendly travel destination is a road trip you and your loved one will never forget. There are a few cities along the way to make this travel destination a truly unique experience for you and anyone you bring along.

bourbon trail flight

About Bourbon Trail, Kentucky

The Kentucky Distillers Association, also known as the KDA, sponsor an incredible journey that you can take through Kentucky to experience the superior bourbon whiskey that is native to the bluegrass state. The Kentucky bourbon trail includes 13 destinations along the craft tour and provides a unique look at the distilleries all along the way.

Booking the Kentucky Bourbon Trail

Unlike many of our travel destinations, the Kentucky Bourbon Trail is a road-trip-style experience that allows you to tour some signature distilleries for the classic, high-quality bourbon native to Kentucky. There are 37 distilleries listed as a part of the Kentucky bourbon trail, with 13 destinations all across the state. Booking your outings cost around $250 per person for the thoroughbreds and bourbon tour. There are other options to create a unique experience for you.

bourbon trail

RV Camping Around Bourbon Trail, Kentucky

Because the Kentucky bourbon trail is a road-trip-style camping destination with several stops along the way, you’ll want to research campgrounds and each location you plan to visit the distilleries. Our recommendation is to set your tour and then book campgrounds in each location separately so that you can research and find the best price possible.

If you love to experience the culture of each state in full and taste some delicious local brews, this is precisely the type of travel destination for you. Contact us to find the perfect RV to take you on this amazing journey.

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