RV Tips: 6 Must-Have RV Bedroom Accessories

Whether you want to upgrade your current RV’s bedroom or find a new RV for your family, you won’t miss these RV tips. Below, we will show you six must-have Rv bedroom accessories to upgrade your nights at the campground. Learn more about the best ways to improve your space.

Bedroom in this RV from van city RV
This is TrailManor travel trailer bedroom features an island bed.

Hanging Shoe Organizer

A hanging shoe organizer is one of the best ways to organize your closet or wardrobe in your RV. You can also modify these to hang around your bedside to give you storage for shoes, socks, and more. There are sales that fit over doors or hang in the closet.

Shoe organizer available on Amazon
Available on Amazon

Organizer Bins

You can never have enough bins or baskets to keep your things tidy in the RV. We recommend getting a bin for by the doorway to keep everyone’s shoes organized, several for the bedroom, and more.

Collapsible Laundry Hamper

You don’t want the laundry to take up more space than it needs to at the campground, which is why a collapsible laundry hamper is an excellent solution. This allows you to use the hamper when you need it, collapse it, and store it easily.

Command Hooks

Command hooks are one of the best items for every room in our RV. In the bedroom, we use these for jewelry storage, robes, hats, and additional hanging space in the closets.

Skinny Clothing Hangers

Get more space in your shirt, closets, or wardrobe for when you use skinny clothing hangers. These types of hangers save space and are gentle on clothes, so they won’t snag or damage any of your shirts or sweaters.

Skinny hangers available on Amazon
Available on Amazon

Space Heater

Lastly, if you plan to do some cold-weather camping, having a space heater is a great way to save on propane. Personally, I prefer to use space heaters and our RV fireplace as the primary heat sources and only use our propane furnace on extremely cold nights.

Contact us today and learn more about the incredible RVs for sale at Van City RV. We will help you find your first RV or replace a late-model RV with a new design you’ll love.

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